Resources for Microbiology. This blog provides resources for the course FNSC3180/4180 Food Microbiology of CUHK. Check this blog often to see what is new. Your comments are welcome. From May, 2011 onwards, news, analyses, and investigation of foodborne microbial diseases are regularly posted in this blog. Analyses of foodborne microbial genomes from Kwan Lab are also posted here.
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- Useful Food Safety Websites
Saturday, January 25, 2014
PPT file location on Blackboard
Groupings--Sorry for the delay
Seesion A
Session B
Topic 1 - The roles of
HKSAR Government agencies to food safety and food hygiene in HKSAR I:
"Health and Food Bureau", "Health Department",
"Agriculture, Fishery, and Conservation Department",
"Government Laboratory"
Topic 2 - The roles of
HKSAR Government agencies to food safety and food hygiene in HKSAR II: Food
and Environmental Hygiene Department and Centre for Food Safety
Topic 3 - The roles of
HK SAR Non-government organizations in HK SAR in food safety: “Consumer Council”, “Green Peace”, “Hong
Kong Quality Assurance Agency” and others
Topic 4 - Food safety
and public health in HKSAR I: Central supplies - slaughter houses, vegetable
wholesales, fishery wholesales
Topic 5 - Food safety
and public health in HKSAR II: Food manufacturers - cooked foods for
consumption in a short time,e.g., lunch boxes for schools
Topic 6 - Food safety
and public health in HKSAR III: Food manufacturers - foods for long-term
storage,e.g., canned foods
Topic 7 - Food safety
and public health in HKSAR IV: Retails - markets and supermarkets
Topic 8 - Food safety
in food service premises in HKSAR: Fast food and other take-out food stalls;
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Disinfectants Fail to Kill Salmonella Biofilm
Disinfectants Fail to Kill Salmonella Biofilm
Friday, January 17, 2014
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Thursday, January 16, 2014
E-news - 16.01.2014
Dear E-news recipients,
News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) online:
Food Safety Focus (90th Issue, January 2014)
今期熱門焦點包括 :
The topics of the current issue are:
• Oyster and Food Safety Risk
• 蠔的食物安全風險
• Toxins in our Mushrooms?
• 菇類含毒素嗎?
• Nuts and Aflatoxins
• 堅果與黃曲霉毒素
• Import Control for Avian Influenza
• 針對禽流感的進口管制
歡迎你們到中心以下網頁閱覽上述月刊 :
You are most welcome to browse through the publication at:
時令食品調查 - 賀年食品
Seasonal Food Surveillance - Lunar New Year Food
Lunar New Year (LNY) is coming soon, the CFS recently completed a seasonal food surveillance project on LNY food to provide relevant food safety information to consumers and the trade.
You are most welcome to browse through the report at:
專項食品調查 - 肉類中的二氧化硫(第三期)
Targeted Food Surveillance – Sulphur Dioxide in Meat (3rd Phase)
二氧化硫是一種防腐劑,經常用於乾果、醃菜和經加工處理的肉製品如香腸及漢堡扒等不同種類的食物中。但根據《食物內防腐劑規例》(第132章附屬法例),二氧化硫不得用於新鮮、冰鮮或冷藏肉類。然而,個別販商為使肉類的色澤更鮮明,會違法在肉類中添加二氧化硫。因此中心近年定期進行專項調查,評估肉類中添加二氧化硫的情況。 該專項調查第三期檢測結果已上載到中心網頁。
Sulphur dioxide is a commonly used preservative in a variety of foods including dried fruits, pickled vegetables and meat products such as sausages and grilled burgers, but under the Preservatives in Food Regulation (subsidiary legislation of Cap 132), it is not permitted in fresh, chilled or frozen meat. Nonetheless, individual meat traders had been found illegally using sulphur dioxide to make the meat look fresher. Hence, the CFS has launched targeted surveillance projects regularly to assess the use of sulphur dioxide in meat in recent years. The third phase testing of a targeted food surveillance project has been uploaded onto the CFS website.
You are most welcome to browse through the report at:
基因改造食物多面睇 (2013年12月第20期)
GM Food Newsletter (20th Issue, December 2013)
The latest issue of the GM Food Newsletter has been published. This issue includes characteristics of genetically modified crops, genetically modified animals in the pipeline, approval of genetically modified salmon for food use and gateway for safe GM foods. You are most welcome to browse through the publication at:
Centre for Food Safety
Monday, January 13, 2014
Article: Actress Rossum had miserable Christmas in London
Actress Rossum had miserable Christmas in London - NEWSWATCH 50
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Article: Hundreds ill in Japan food scandal
Hundreds ill in Japan food scandal - Radio New Zealand
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Sunday, January 12, 2014
Salmonella Chicken Recall: Tyson Yes, Foster Farms No, Why?
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
Fwd: 《食品安全資訊》電郵提示--Macau Centre for Food Safety
From: <>
Date: 2014/1/6
Subject: 《食品安全資訊》電郵提示
發稿日期 :06/01/2014 | |||||
| |||||
衛生局正調查 1宗集體胃腸炎事件 (來源: 新聞局) | |
衛生局今日(1月3日)下午接獲 1名巿民投訴,指其公司有多名員工參加公司聚餐後出現胃腸炎病徵。衛生局呼籲巿民和食物供應商注意食物衛生。
Sunday, January 5, 2014
FNSC4180 Materials now available on CUHK eLearning Blackboard
Welcome back to Term 2. Wish you all a happy new year.
The initial set of materials are now available on the CUHK eLearning Blackboard. Please check it out.
You can also access a wealth of materials, information, and news on the FNSC4180 Blogger blog:
Enjoy your FNSC4180 course.
HS Kwan