Monday, April 30, 2012

Some more questions from students

Answers to your questions:

I'd like to ask that will the part "Controversial preservation: Nitrate,
nitrite, antibiotics, and food irradiation" (i.e. P.101-106 of Set 3 of
your notes) be examined? because little is mentioned in the lectures, if
memory serves me correctly.

Answer: No. They will not be included in the examination.

Also, what is exam format? Thank you very much.

Answer: Short to medium questions. Please check the previous exam papers archived in the library.

Answer to questions from a student

Your questions:

In our exam, what will the format be? Will there be multiple choice questions or all of them will be short questions?

No MC questions. Only short and medium questions in the examination.

Also, will we be tested on "detection method"??? We have been tested in the lab exam, and we were only taught in the lab lessons, so I was just wondering if we will need to know that for this exam too.

No need. Lecture and laboratory courses are related but independent.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Dear students,


Group B will present on 14/4/2012, Saturday, in MMW Engineering Building Room 713.

Group A will present on 21/4/2012, Saturday, in Science Centre L5.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The presentation for Group B on Saturday, 14/4/2012 is in MMW ENGINEERING BUILDING ROOM 713, NOT MMW Building.

Be there before 9:15 am.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Answer to questions on presentation and poster from a student

Dear xxxxx,

Sorry for not replying soon. I have been traveling with only limited time and internet connection.

Your proposal is reasonable. You can focus on any aspects of the area for presentation and poster. You need to judge what is most important and most interesting in your topic.

Just do what you think appropriate.


HS Kwan

PS. You can use whatever format you think appropriate: PPT, talk show, stand-up comedian show, radio, TV, play, and so on. You are the master of your presentation and poster.