Thursday, September 1, 2022

食物安全電子信息 E-News (1 September 2022)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :


(1) 冷藏保存食物如何安全地處理冷藏食物






(2) 慢煮與食物安全

Sous vide的法文原意是真空。作為烹飪術語,這是指把食物放入塑膠袋並且真空密封,然後以精確的溫度(通常為攝氏47度至88度之間;一般是將整袋食物放入水浴鍋中以控制溫度)長時間烹煮。而慢煮鍋是一款用作低溫烹煮食物數小時的電器。





(3) 食物安全與水浸





(4) 食物安全焦點 (20228月第193)


  • 蠟樣芽孢桿菌及金黃葡萄球菌產生的耐熱毒素:食物烹煮後不應在室溫下放置過久的原因
  • 食物安全與水浸
  • 本港點心的鈉含量
  • 油中的污染物 - 如何解讀?





(5) 食物安全中心公布月餅時令食品調查(第一期)結果











Dear E-news recipients,


News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) online:


(1) Preserve Food by Freezing – And How to Handle Frozen Food Safely?


Freezing extends the shelf life of food as storing food at -18 oC can inactivate enzymes and microorganisms including bacteria, yeasts and moulds in food. By freezing, the water in food turns into ice crystals and becomes unavailable to microorganisms that need it to grow. Parasites like Trichina can also be destroyed at freezing temperatures. However, freezing does not kill bacteria and viruses, and viruses like norovirus remain infectious even at freezing temperatures. Besides, any microorganisms present can also become active again when the food is defrosted.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(2) Slow Cooking and Food Safety

Sous vide is a French term meaning "under vacuum". As a culinary term, it refers to a method of cooking under vacuum in sealed plastic pouches at exact temperatures (generally in the range of 47°C - 88°C; often done in a water bath to control the temperatures) for a relatively long period of time. Slow cooker is an electrical appliance which is designed to cook food at lower temperatures for several hours.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(3) Food Safety and Flooding

Flooding poses a potential food safety concern. Foods may be inundated in floodwater contaminated with sewage that can carry disease-causing microorganisms such as E. coli, Salmonella, hepatitis A virus and norovirus, as well as other contaminants. Dampened food is also susceptible to mould growth. Therefore, it is important to take proper precautions before and after a flood to ensure food safety.


Please click into the webpage for details:



(4) Food Safety Focus (193rd Issue, August 2022)


The latest issue of Food Safety Focus is now available. The topics include: ·

  • Heat-stable Toxins from Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus: Why Cooked Food Should Not Be Left at Room Temperature for Too Long
  • Food Safety and Flooding
  • Sodium Content in Dim Sum in Hong Kong
  • Contaminants in Cooking Oil – How to Interpret?


You are most welcome to read the publication at:



(5) CFS announces results of seasonal food surveillance on on mooncakes (first phase)


The CFS announced that the test results of a seasonal food surveillance project on mooncakes (first phase). The results of 146 samples tested were all satisfactory.


Please visit the webpage for related press release:




Centre for Food Safety



Please click here to view the web page version.

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