 | 致食物安全電子信息訂閱者: Dear E-news recipients, 以下資訊已上載到食物安全中心(中心)網站: News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website : |
| 「生冷」食物的風險 Risk of High-risk Foods
生或未煮熟的食物,或者較多人稱呼的「生冷」食物,例如肉類、家禽、水產及蛋類,屬於高風險食物,原因是沒有經過熱處理或熱處理不足,未能消滅當中可致病的微生物。進食受細菌或病毒污染的食物引起的疾病常見病徵包括嘔吐、腹瀉、腹痛及發燒。至於寄生蟲感染,一些寄生蟲可引致輕度至中度的腸胃症狀。 Raw or undercooked foods, e.g. meat, poultry, seafood and eggs, are high-risk foods, as there is no or inadequate heat treatment to eliminate the microorganisms present that can pose risks to human health. Common symptoms of illnesses caused by eating food contaminated by bacteria or viruses include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fever. As for parasites, some can cause mild to moderate gastrointestinal symptoms.
這些「超級細菌」不論是否有致病性,都有可能把抗藥性基因轉移到人體內的其他細菌,日後我們使用抗生素治病時,藥效便可能受到影響。 Raw or undercooked foods are also associated with the risk of 'superbugs'. They are microorganisms that have developed antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to stop a wide range of antimicrobial agents, antibiotics for example, from working against them. AMR is a serious public health threat. While cooking can kil l 'superbugs', raw or undercooked foods are more likely to carry microorganisms including 'superbugs' that can be transferred to humans through food intake.
Whether or not 'superbugs' can cause illnesses, they may transfer their antibiotic resistance genes to other bacteria inside the human body, therefore affecting the effectiveness of future use of antibiotics when needed.
市民特別是高危人士應小心選擇食物,避免進食「生冷」食物及經常遵循下列五要點,以減低患上食源性疾病與超級細菌的風險: 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔 生熟分開:分開生熟食物 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
The public, especially the high-risk population, should always choose their food carefully to avoid raw or undercooked foods and observe the 5 Keys to Food Safety in order to reduce the risk o f foodborne diseases and superbugs: Choose (Choose safe raw materials) Clean (Keep hands and utensils clean) Separate (Separate raw and cooked food) Cook (Cook thoroughly) Safe Temperature (Keep food at safe temperature)
詳情請參閱以下網頁: Please click into the webpage for details:
中文: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/whatsnew/whatsnew_act/High_Risk_Food.html English: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/whatsnew/whatsnew_act/High_Risk_Food.html
食物安全焦點 (2021年6月第179期) Food Safety Focus (179th Issue, June 2021)
今期熱門焦點包括: The topics of the current issue are: · 二零二零年有關食肆及食物業的食物中毒個案回顧 Review of Food Poisoning Outbreaks Related to Food Premises and Food Business in 2020 如何確保外送飯盒安全? How to Keep Meal Box Delivery Safe? 使用梘液洗手還是消毒潔手液清潔雙手? Washing Hands with Liquid Soap or Cleaning Hands with Hand Sanitisers? 適當處理新鮮菇類 Proper Handling of Fresh Mushrooms
歡迎到以下網頁閱覽上述月刊: You are most welcome to read the publication at:
中文: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/multimedia/multimedia_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf.html English: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/multimedia/multimedia_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf.htm
《2021年食物內有害物質(修訂)規例》刊憲 Powdered Infant Formulas (PIF) are Not Sterile – Salmonella is Not Acceptable
政府六月十一日在憲報刊登《2021年食物內有害� �質(修訂)規例》(《修訂規例》),以加強規管工業生產的反式脂肪、霉菌毒素等食物內有害物質。
《修訂規例》亦參考了世界衞生組織(世衞)的建議,將部分氫化油(即工業生產的反式脂肪酸的主要來源)列為食物中的違禁物質,以配合世衞到二○二三年從全球食品供應中消除工業生產的反式脂肪酸的目標。為了與國際間的現行標準和做法保持一致,政府亦在今日的憲報一併刊登《2021年食物及藥物(成分組合及標籤)(修訂)規例》,規� �預先包裝食物如含有氫化油(例如完全氫化油)必須在其配料表中作出相應標示。
The Government gazette on 11 June 2021 the Harmful Substances in Food (Amendment) Regulation 2021 to strengthen the regulation of harmful substances such as industrially produced trans fats and mycotoxins in food.
With reference to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Amendment Regulation also specifies partially hydrogenated oils, i.e. the main source of industrially produced trans fatty acids (IP-TFAs), as a prohibited substance in food, with a view to meeting the WHO's goal of eliminating IP-TFAs from the global food supply by 2023. To align with the prevailing international standards and practices, the Government also published in the Gazette today the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) (Amendment) Regulation 2021 to stipulate that any prepackaged food containing hydrogenated oils, e.g. fully hydrogenated oil, must be indicated accordingly in the list of ingredients.
詳情請參閱以下網頁: Please click into the webpage for details:
中文: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/whatsnew/whatsnew_fstr/whatsnew_fstr_Food_Regulations_Harmful_Substances.html English: https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/whatsnew/whatsnew_fstr/whatsnew_fstr_Food_Regulations_Harmful_Substances.html
食安電影頻道 The CFS Foodsafe Movie Channel
食物安全中心開展一個名為「食安電影頻道」的全新網上短片宣傳活動,並請來了中心吉祥物「食安仔」與「食安妹妹」,藉著一系列耳熟能詳的電影作品,以貼地的港產片式幽默與大眾探討一些值得留意的食安話題。 To raise the public’s awareness of food safety, the Centre for Food Safety (C FS) has recently launched a brand-new online video campaign called ‘Foodsafe Movie Channel’. The Centre’s mascots, On and Mui, go through important food safety messages with the public with a hint of Hong Kong movie-styled humour.
「食安電影頻道」最新一集《小食足球》已經於食物安全中心YouTube頻道首播,並在中心的Facebook和Instagram專頁同步上映。 The latest episode of ‘Foodsafe Movie Channel’ has premiered on the CFS’ YouTube channel, and is co-streamed on the CFS' Facebook and Instagram pages.
詳情請參閱以下網頁: Please click into the webpage for details:
https://www.facebook.com/cfs.hk https://www.instagram.com/cfs.hk/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMpLk04Hbn2ATOWzCU_jWEQ
食物安全中心 Centre for Food Safety 30.6.2021
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