Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Question from a student Question on 2012-2013pp Q5

Dear Kkkkkk,

Apple juice: E.coli  (low acidity, it can tolerant to pH4)
A: Correct
Steak: Staphylococcus aureus (have extracellular enzymes to digest the protein, so high protein content is ok )
A: No. E. coli, grow faster.
Beef: pseudomonas (it can grow at low temp and low sugar content food)
A: No. Listeria....Low temperature and high salt
White wine: acetobacter species (low pH)
A: Correct. But the reason is white wine has ~15% alcohol
bagel:  Saccharomyces cerevisiae (low aw, which many bacteria cannot grow) 
A: No. Aspergillus........low Aw and moderate sugar. Yeast can grow but limited in space and may have growth advantage if high sugar.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 7:25 PM,
Dear Prof. Kwan,
     Good evening. I want to ask whether my answers are correct because my answers are different from my classmates. 

My answer are:
Apple juice: E.coli  (low acidity, it can tolerant to pH4)
Steak: Staphylococcus aureus (have extracellular enzymes to digest the protein, so high protein content is ok )
Beeif: pseudomonas (it can grow at low temp and low sugar content food)
White wine: acetobacter species (low pH)
bagel:  Saccharomyces cerevisiae (low aw, which many bacteria cannot grow) 

                Thank you for answering my questions.

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