Wednesday, August 28, 2024



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Thursday, August 22, 2024



907 Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Friday, August 16, 2024

【中秋送禮倒數一個月】9月17日中秋禮品全城熱賣 - 名店月餅、中秋果籃,企業訂製要趁早!全港免運費,中港澳直達


907 Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

食物安全電子信息 E-News (15 August 2024)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :



(1) 食安中心公布 2024年6月份食物安全報告






(2) 食物回收計劃的食物安全實務指南




(3) 食環署致力保障學校午膳飯盒的食物安全






(4) 手部衞生












(1) Food Safety Report for June 2024


The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has on July 31 released the food safety report for last month.  The results showed that among about 5,400 food samples that had been tested, in addition to the five previously announced Except for the sample, all other samples passed the test, with an overall pass rate of 99.9%.


You are most welcome to read the press release at:


(2) A Practical Food Safety Guide for Food Recovery Programmes


The CFS has updated the Food Safety Guide for Food Recovery Programmes.  Please click into the webpage to view the guide:


(3) FEHD strives to ensure food safety of school lunch boxes


To enhance food safety and hygiene awareness among licensed food factories supplying school lunch boxes, and to prepare for the new school year, the CFS and the Environmental Hygiene Branch of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) launched a series of operations to inspect licensed food factories supplying school lunch boxes in various districts of Hong Kong with a view to ensuring food safety.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(4) Hand hygiene


Bacteria live on and inside our bodies.  Food handlers must take extra care not to contaminate food and spread diseases.  Maintaining personal hygiene, especially hand hygiene, is essential to keep food safe.


Welcome to click into the webpage for details:




Centre for Food Safety







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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Allergy Alert - Prepackaged wheat starch sample in breach of food labelling regulation / 致敏物警報 - 預先包裝澄麵粉樣本違反食物標籤規例

Allergy Alert 致敏物警報


Dear Sir/Madam,

We have issued an allergy alert regarding "Prepackaged wheat starch sample in breach of food labelling regulation".

Please check the following link for further details.

For further enquiries, you may contact us at
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Centre for Food Safety





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Copyright © 2021 Centre for Food Safety. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



907 Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

【Gogo Herbs進口保健品2折起!】期短清貨價: GNC、Kirkland Signature、Jamieson 等品牌限時激減,低至成本價出售!數量有限,搶完即止!!

Hello,立即點擊查詢Gogo Herbs 期短折扣優惠!
歡迎聯絡我們取得更詳細資訊:   - Tel : (852) 3702 6959   - Whatsapp : (852) 5483 0695   - 網店 :

907 Silvercord Tower 2 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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Thursday, August 1, 2024

食物安全電子信息 E-news (1.8.2024)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :


(1) 預先包裝食物檢測之營養素含量及致敏物檢測結果每月報告(2024年6月)

為確保食品符合《規例》,中心一直有抽取預先包裝食物的樣本作檢測,其中包括檢測營養素含量及致敏物。由 2012年1月的檢測結果開始,中心每月在網頁上公布有關檢測結果,包括營養素標示值與檢測結果有差異的樣本詳情。自2012年4月1日起,有關含未有標示致敏物的食品樣本詳情亦會一併公布。


(2) 食安中心公布預先包裝乳酪和乳酪飲品營養標籤專項食品調查結果



(3) 二零二四年食物安全巡迴展覽



(4) 加工食品中的蠟樣芽孢桿菌



Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) online:

(1) Monthly Report on Results of Compliance Test for Nutrition Labelling and Declaration of Allergens under the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (for the month of June 2024)

CFS has been testing, among other things, nutrients and allergens in prepackaged food samples for compliance under the Regulations. Results of compliance test since January 2012 have been published on the CFS website in the form of monthly reports, which include details of the food samples with discrepancies between labelled and tested nutrient values. Results of those food samples with food allergens detected but undeclared are also published from 1 April 2012 onwards.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) CFS announces test results of targeted surveillance on nutrition labelling of prepackaged yoghurts and yoghurt drinks

CFS of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department today (July 26) released the test results of a targeted food surveillance project on the nutrition labelling of prepackaged yoghurts and yoghurt drinks. The results of 40 samples tested were all satisfactory.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(3) Roving Exhibitions on Food Safety in 2024

CFS holds a series of exhibitions across the territory every year. Panels covering different topics such as food safety and nutrition are shown to enhance public knowledge on how to make safe and suitable food choices. Five roving exhibitions will be held in Aug 2024.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(4) Bacillus cereus in Processed Food

Recently, there were incidents involving prepackaged food products that had been contaminated with excessive amount of Bacillus cereus. Please click into the webpage to learn more about the risks of Bacillus cereus in processed food and the importance of temperature control:

Centre for Food Safety


Please click here to view the web page version.

The content available in this E-News, including but not limited to all text, graphics, drawings, diagrams, photographs and compilation of data or other materials are protected by copyright. The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is the owner of all copyright works contained in this E-News . Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of such copyright works to the public is strictly prohibited unless prior written authorization is obtained from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

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