Thursday, June 6, 2024

食物安全電子信息 E-News (6 June 2024)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :



(1) 食物安全焦點 (2024年5月第214期)



  • 食物守護者:食物監測計劃的重要角色
  • 豬頸肉-可供安全食用嗎?
  • 未經巴士德消毒的乳製品的風險
  • 沙律與食物安全




(2) 食安中心公布粽子時令食品調查(第一期)結果(附圖)






(3) 「食物安全重點控制」與「良好衞生規範」業界講座及工作坊 2024







(4) 「家家食安心:認識食物安全五要點-居家食物安全建議」公眾講座及工作坊 2024


食物環境衞生署食物安全中心於本年三月至十月期間舉辦二零二四年度「家家食安心:認識食物安全五要點 - 居家食物安全建議」公眾講座及工作坊。這個活動主要是向公眾人士宣傳如何在日常運用「食物安全五要點」,只要做好「食物安全五要點」,大多數食源性疾病是可以預防的。期間亦會介紹有關營養標籤及食物敏感的資訊。




(5) 食安中心公布 2024 年 4 月份食物安全報告












(1) Food Safety Focus (214th Issue, May 2024)


The latest issue of Food Safety Focus is now available. The topics include:

  • Guardians of the Plate: The Vital Role of Food Surveillance Programme
  • Pork Jowl - Safe to Eat?
  • Risk of Unpasteurised Dairy Products
  • Salads and Food Safety


Please click into the webpage for details: 


(2) CFS announces results of seasonal food surveillance on rice dumplings (first phase) (with photo)


The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced on May 27 that the test results of 46 rice dumpling samples collected under a recently completed seasonal food surveillance project on rice dumplings (first phase) were all satisfactory.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(3) Food Trade Talk and Workshop on HACCP & GHP 2024


The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is organising the Trade Talk and Workshop on GHP & HACCP 2024 which starts to take place from March through October 2024. The objective of the program is to publicize proper food handling to employees of food business. Coupled with the active participation and collaboration between the government and stakeholder, the Campaign also promotes the adoption of the “Good Hygiene Practices (GHP)”,“Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)”System and the development of “Food Safety Plan” in food processing, thereby enhancing food safety.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(4) "Safe Food for All: To Understand Five Keys to Food Safety - Food Safety Advice at Home" Public Talk and Workshop 2024


The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is organising the Public Talk and Workshop on "Safe Food for All: To Understand Five Keys to Food Safety – Food Safety Advice at Home" from March to October this year. The objective of the program is to promote to the public how to apply the "Five Keys to Food Safety" in daily life. Following the "Five Keys to Food Safety" can prevent most food-borne diseases. Information about nutrition labelling and food allergy will also be introduced.


Please click into the webpage for details:


(5) Food Safety Report for April 2024


The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has released on May 31 the findings of its food safety report for last month. The results of about 4200 food samples tested were found to be satisfactory except for seven unsatisfactory samples which were announced earlier. The overall satisfactory rate was 99.8 per cent.


Please click into the webpage for details:




Centre for Food Safety







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