Thursday, February 1, 2024

食物安全電子信息 E-News (1 February 2024)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :

(1) 盆菜食物安全



(2)《 食 物 及 藥 物 ( 成 分 組 合 及 標 籤 ) 規 例 》 之營 養 素 含 量 及 致 敏 物 檢 測 結 果 每 月 報 告




(3) 「食物安全重點控制」與「良好衞生規範」業界講座及工作坊 2024



(4) 食物安全巡迴展覽





(1) Poon Choi and Food Safety

People should order their "Poon Choi" from reputable and licensed food suppliers. If they want to make their own, they should maintain good personal and food hygiene to prevent cross contamination. To enjoy a delicious and healthy meal, people should pay particular attention to food safety.

Here are some safety tips for enjoying "Poon Choi":

(2) Monthly Report on Results of Compliance Test for Nutrition Labelling and Declaration of Allergens

The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations (the Regulations) require all applicable prepackaged foods to list out the ingredients, the content of energy plus seven core nutrients, namely, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and sugars (commonly known as “1 + 7”), and regulate any associated nutrition claims. The Centre for Food Safety has been testing, among other things, nutrients and allergens in prepackaged food samples for compliance under the Regulations. Results of compliance test have been published on the CFS website in the form of monthly reports.

You are most welcome to read the report at:

(3) Food Trade Talk and Workshop on HACCP & GHP 2024

The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is organising the Trade Talk and Workshop on GHP & HACCP 2024 which starts to take place from March through October 2024. The objective of the program is to publicize proper food handling to employees of food business. Coupled with the active participation and collaboration between the government and stakeholder, the Campaign also promotes the adoption of the “Good Hygiene Practices (GHP)”, “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)” System and the development of “Food Safety Plan” in food processing, thereby enhancing food safety.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(4) Roving Exhibitions on Food Safety

The roving exhibitions will be held in February 2024 at Tai Kiu Market, Shek Tong Tsui Market and Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices.

Panels cover topics on Pesticide Residues, Trans Fats, Take Notice of Eating Scallops and Avoid Consuming Puffer Fish.

Please click into the webpage for details:


Centre for Food Safety







Please click here to view the web page version.

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