Thursday, June 16, 2022

食物安全電子信息 E-News (16 June 2022)

Centre for Food Safety E-news

Dear E-news recipients,

News on the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) website :

(1) 食物安全日2022 – 廚世界,徹底洗手吧!

為配合 6 月 7 日聯合國世界食物安全日的主題「食物更安全,身體更健康」,食物安全中心藉此機會向食物從業員宣傳手部衞生對食物安全和人類健康的重要性,並以此為2022年食物安全日的年度主題。食物安全中心並將聯同地區康健中心,透過舉辦健康講座和訓練活動,以及於全港各地區康健中心播放教育影片,加強大眾有關處理食物時注意手部衞生的意識及概念。食物處理人員保持雙手清潔,有助保障食物安全,同時令顧客滿意。就讓我們一同好好洗手,養成良好的手部衞生習慣!


(2) 蛋及蛋製品的食用安全

· 選擇安全的原材料
· 貯存及處理生蛋
· 製作混合蛋漿以供烹製蛋類菜式存有高風險
· 蛋要徹底煮熟並存放於安全溫度


(3) 魚及魚製品中的組胺



(4) 二零二二年度食物業界講座及「食物安全重點控制」工作坊



(5) 2022年4月份食物安全報告



(6) 食物安全巡迴展覽




(1) Food Safety Day 2022 – Clean Hands Well to Eat Well

In support of the theme of the United Nations' World Food Safety Day on 7 June, “Safer food, better health”, the CFS is taking this chance to promote the importance of hand hygiene in relation to food safety and human health to food handlers as the theme of CFS' Food Safety Day 2022. The CFS will join hands with the District Health Centre (DHC) to enhance the public's awareness and knowledge of hand hygiene practice while handling food through health talks and training, as well as educational videos broadcast at DHCs across the territory. Keeping food handlers' hands clean is an important component to safe food and satisfied customers. Let's wash hands well to eat well, and practise good hand hygiene altogether!

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) Food Safety of Eggs and Eggs Products

Consuming raw or undercooked eggs potentially causes Salmonella infection, which can pose severe, sometimes life-threatening, health risks, especially to susceptible populations. To assist the food trade in preventing food poisoning due to Salmonella in eggs and egg products, the Centre for Food Safety gives out practical food safety advice about using eggs in food preparation:

· Choose safe raw materials
· Storing and handling of raw eggs
· Pooling eggs is a high-risk practice when preparing egg dishes
· Cook eggs thoroughly and keep them at a safe temperature

For more details, please visit the following page:

(3) Histamine in Fish and Fish Products

Fish is an important part of many types of cuisine that we savour.  However, the consumption of fish and fish products containing high level of histamine may cause scombrotoxin fish poisoning (SFP), also called histamine poisoning. Time and temperature control is the most effective method for ensuring food safety for fish species prone to histamine production.  In the absence of proper time-temperature control such as refrigeration and freezing, formation of histamine may occur at any point throughout the supply chain. 

Please click into the webpage for details:

(4) 2022 Trade Talk and Workshop on HACCP

The Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is organising the Centre for Food Safety Trade Talk and Workshop on HACCP 2022 which starts to take place from April through November 2022.  The objective of the program is to publicize proper food handling to employees of food business.  Coupled with the active participation and collaboration between the government and stakeholder, the Campaign also promotes the adoption of the “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)” System and the development of “Food Safety Plan” in food processing, thereby enhancing food safety.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(5) Food Safety Report for April 2022

To deliver the latest food safety information timely to the public, the CFS announces the monthly “Food Safety Report”, sharing the food surveillance results.

For related press release, please browse the following website:

(6) Roving Exhibitions on Food Safety

The roving exhibitions will be held in June 2022 at Tai Shing Street Market, Tai Wai Market, Tsing Yi Market, Sha Tin Government Offices and Aldrich Bay Market. Panels cover topics on 5 Keys for Food Safety, Control of Food Temperature, Natural Toxins, Nutrition Labelling, Prevention of Cross-contamination, Trans Fats, Avoid Consuming Puffer Fish, Veterinary Drug Residues, Ciguatoxins, Genetically Modified Food and Acrylamide.

Please click to see the schedule:


Centre for Food Safety



Please click here to view the web page version.

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